Case Study

Client: Wall Street Women
Female Forex Trading Network

Based in the UK, Wall Street Women is a very popular online community for women who trade and educate in Forex. The Founders came to Askew* looking for a completely new brand, logo and identity; to match the company’s success and users. We worked together to create a sophisticated brand that goes beyond the brief and captures the company ethos and community spirit.

Website Address:
Services Provided


Data Design

Graphic Design

Hosting & Management

Landing Page Design & Build

Logo Design

Search Engine Optimisation

Website Design & Build

Trending Projects

Annual Report Production
Brochure Design
Data Design
Email Marketing
Graphic Design
Large-Scale Print
Marketing Material
Social Media Marketing

Annual Report Production
Brochure Design
Data Design
Email Marketing
Graphic Design
Large-Scale Print
Marketing Material
Social Media Marketing

Data Design
Graphic Design
Marketing Material
Pitch Deck Design
Video Editing

Data Design
Graphic Design
Marketing Material
Pitch Deck Design
Video Editing